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We Shall Be Both
(Pierre Wattebled(;))

Do not get tired, I shall be your will, In your look the breath, the force of Hope, The draft of your steps, the bench of your repose, The ineffable kiss of Love which keeps warm... AT THE DAWN OF Life, I shall grant the Evening, In the ways of your nights, of possible wins, In our uncertainties, these nicest dates Where we shall embrace the Truth, in us. Do not get tired, you see, I am still This slow caress which stays over your body, The happiness murmuring of the biggest ocean: I was never afraid to lose me by loving you... Go! Play tone better, they are going to do again the world! In indeterminate time add seconds: My hand will be your cane, your presence my flame, My weakness your force, the real in your soul. Do not get tired, do not fear these wakes Where sails the thought towards strange shores: When you will want, I shall be your will, In your look the breath, the force of hope... We shall be.... More extremely than neglect, what we shall have believed Of the Child to construct, of the Man in the World; we shall be both since you wanted it This infinity happiness, can - be much more... We shall be both! Pierre Wattebled on August 18th, 2006

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- My Soul

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