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Heart Of Darkness
(Conrad; Joseph)

Into the vast heart of darkness. A journey into the heart of Black Africa along a snake-like river, restless and scared. A journey into the abyss of our most hidden soul; an obsession. A disturbing prophecy of our times. Conrad's novel is like a prophecy which conceals itself in the last words spoken by Kurtz before his death. Words which Marlowe would not speak. What would have happened if Marlowe had cried out Kurtz's desperate testament?

"The horror, the horror, the horror.." Colonialism could have crumbled from an illusion of the ideal, from temple of the new lazy, flaccid demon:greed. How many horrors (from the Holocaust and endless atrocities and wars of our time to the concentration camps of the modern economy) would have been prevented?

A book to read, re-read and meditate on with dismay and wonder.

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