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Can We Control Criminalism?
(Daljit Khankhana)

Issues are always burning and controversial. Qualities are progressing genetically and hereditary. Growth is natural and sophisticated. The pattern of modern communication is developing very strong and reliable. Modern human is identifying the values of time. Wastage is their temptation. Everybody believes in progress. Systematically, the tools are providing such opportunities basically, where entrepreneurship is gaining their reliability.
An overall image is developing an imaginary statistical themes those are indicating such understandable consequences where a person is unable to resolve his complications.

If progress is hereditary and genetic then we can differentiate the positiveness and negativeness to marginalize regular and irregular responsibilities and responsibilities those have uncooperative strategies where a human is willing to achieve his target that is personal satisfaction.
A matter is controversial because individualism has preferential indications where everyone?s opinion as a new idea regarded its respectable experience and knowledge that counts as witness in the processing subjects where justice is understandable that prudential investigation is necessary for clarifications to identify the facts and opinion.
For example, when a child learns pickpockets from his family members, he or she denies in the excusing form of swear, or asks for second children?s support and a matter also delivers favoritism by his mother or father or brother and sister.
Relations trained a child how to exercise cheating. He learns about tools. Those are his personal links. He enjoys his relationship to spoil the system or to deliver irresponsible jobs. When he finds that everyone has different nature, people likes or dislikes their respect and regard, a tool of better communication cooperates him/her to access his satisfaction.
A child is a progress of personal relations where a man and woman both are equally responsible but a woman is specializing in such techniques where she is solely independent responsible to deliver her child. She can take a child or not, it is only her responsibility.
Only woman is a factor that can reduce criminality. She can punish such personalities those are addicted criminal. She can reduce or refine the hereditary and genetic symptoms
Those are responsible to harm modern democratic society.

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