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217000 Wojennych Mil ?garlanda?
(Zbigniew Damski)

Series of volume in history safeguarded secrets of battle fields ? yellow tiger ? * dramatic event biggest war * decisive (ravined) unknown moment battle * alert zmaga?, diplomatic cabinets, main staff and head offices of interviews. pull down english in premature result of explosion of post order bomb for maltese shipyard lose repair hit (occur) kontrtorpedowiec ruf?.Na. Ship will be transferred polish war navy (jacket) after repair decision of english command. Crew (staff) helps in repair future polish < poland >, if necessary ship from bases learning. Elevation of whitely -red streamer follows (step) 3 may 1940 year. Period of time is as (serve) by in protection of convoy on mediterranean debt < long > ? ? Garland. It reaches england in september, next war period heavy is begun here atlantic convoy s?u?by.Os?ona, on german hunting u-booty, participation (quota) in (to) about england also ? battle ?. It cooperates with (from) other polish sometimes niszczycielami, they pull down ? ?, ? shaft ?, it returns on routes ? like a shot ? end war expensive (dear) < way > ? ? .Pod Garland ?ródziemnomorskie. It returns for england from there, for 29 november 1944 year Falmouth. War streamer ultimately has been left 24 september 1946 year polish < poland >, ship returns to owners.

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