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(Chico Buarque de Hollanda)

Room book of Chico Buarque, that wrote it in its house in Rio De Janeiro e in the apartment in Paris, Budapeste is characterized by the one history to ghost-writer, somebody that she writes what other people sign, articles for periodical, speeches of authorities, autobiografias and, in the apex, poems. An anonymous author, a shining anonymous author. The personage main of Budapeste Jose Costa is to ghost-writer who lives in the River of January. It is married Vanda, that engravidou at a moment where it if it felt deloused of proper love. It generated Joaquinzinho. In the quality of partner-proprietor of the Wedge & Coast Cultural Agency, established for infancy friend Alvaro Cunha, its work is to write for others people entire speeches, declarations, notes and articles that, not rare, they reach success, they are commented, forge jargões, but they keep it anonymous.

Its solitude, however, is relative. As much exist as it, spread for the world that arrives if to congregate in world-wide congresses of writers strangers. In the return of one of these events, carried through in Istambul, Turkey, its airplane is deviated for Budapeste, Hungria, where it spends the night.

As nobody for knows there to pronounce Jose Costa, it appears, then, Zsoze Kósta, a Brazilian gotten passionate, or better, seduced, overwhelmd for language to magiar the point to start to live with the beautiful Krista, woman who it teaches the new language to it. It is of the dialogue between the two personages who if it feeds Budapeste.

Jose is capable to write on any subject, since that he is under the form of he chats. The ginógrafo reaches the top of its career when creating, erótica autobiografia of Kaspar Krabbe, a German executive who weighed anchor of Hamburg and adentrou the Guanabara. In Brazil, it learned to write the Portuguese in the body of a certain Tereza, and later in bodies of prostitutes and students who arrived to make line stop to deserve such attention. In the skin of Zsoze, it it only writes in verses. Thus that it starts to dominate the language to magiar, creates a poem book, Titkos Háramsoros private Versszakok or Tercetos, that leaves signed for one such of Kocsis Ferenc, poet in frank decay. Are crossed references that they will be happened again for the book.

At certain moment, Jose abandons Vanda in Rio De Janeiro to uncover itself Zsoze in the arms of Krista, Budapeste, and vice versa. Whenever it is in the Hungarian capital or the Wonderful City Square takes up quarters in the Hotel, generic name that obeys the stranger rule of never being situated in one square. But Vanda finishes if getting passionate for the autobiografia German it Krabbe, written for Jose. While Krista considers poems more nothing that ?exotic?, what he takes Zsoze to breach with it. This idea of double mirrors, simulacros and send the writers as Henry James e Jorge Luis Borges, as signals onipresente Jose Miguel Wisnik, person in charge of the text of presentation of the book. To that if they identify more with histories of what with structures, however, the freedom of Jose-Zsoze in dealing with its devaneios ones keeps to echoes of Phillip Roth e Rubem Fonseca at its better moments. The difference is that personage of Chico Buarque if discloses voyeur of proper itself and its deliriums.

What it calls the attention in Budapeste, mainly in relation to the enredos suffocating of previous books, it is the language palatável, seducer until, with that she involves the reader at last to imprison it in one estilística trap: what it is truth and what is not? At last, a romance of the double one and much erudição - so popular in the européia literature of century XIX and XX.

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