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(The Bible)

The book of Exodus is the second book of the Bible, and the second in its first session called Pentateuch. The Pentateuch is formed by the five books that Moses wrote. Exodus is the book of the freedom. The
book begins telling us about the borning of Moses, when the people of
Israel was under slavery in Egypt. Moses, a baby yet, miraculously suvives through his journey across the great Nilo River, and became
prince in the royal court of Pharaoh. After 40 years, he kill a
egyptian and escape to the desert, where, before other 40 years, God
call him to deliever the people of Isreael. After this, Exodus
describes the 10 plagues of Egypt, that God flowed to punish the
stoned-heart of Pharaoh. In the 10th plague, Pharaoh
liberates Israel. After pass the Red Sea, God guided them to Mount
Sinai, where He gave them His laws and the intructions to build the

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