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The Sacred Prostitute
(Nancy Qualls-Corbett)


Maria Madalena is the known prostitute more of history. But she asks herself, who same age Maria Madalena?

All the uncertainties regarding Maria Madalena must it a projection total modified. It finished canine tooth enters the a Christian moral interjeição and the typical image of the erótica feminine nature.

Few direct citations exist on it in the four evangelhos, however it is nominally present in the tickets marcantes in the life of the Christ, as the Passion and the Resurrection. It is discípula that she loves the master above all and she is witness of Its Resurrection, being the Good carrier of the New. Therefore it can be considered first apóstola. However, in other sources that not them Christian Holy Writs, already we find an image of Madalena and its function well different. In the Evangelhos Gnósticos it is seen as leader active in the discipulado one of Christ. Perhaps she was until, a teacher of the apóstolos. The gnóstico ?Evangelho de Philip? tells ?the union of the man and the woman as symbol of the cure and peace, and extends the relationship to it of Christ and Madalena who, says it, was frequently kissed for it?. It describes Maria Madalena as ?the company closest of Jesus, and symbol of the Divine Wisdom?.

In accordance with the ?Dialogue of Salvador?, Maria Madalena was one of the three disciples to receive teachings special, and was praised above of Mateus and Tomé. One said that ?it spoke as woman who knew All?.

But, the special attention that received Maria Madalena, finished generating rivalry between it and the other disciples. In ?Pists Sophia?, it has something regarding Peter annoying itself because Maria Madalena dominated the colloquy with Jesus. It seemed to understand everything what Christ spoke, while the others, did not have as much reach. Peter in function of this, feared to lose its position of leadership in the new religious community. It demands that Jesus silences it and immediately is censured. Later, Maria admits the Jesus who does not dare to say it freely because, according to its words: ?Peter makes to hesitate me; I have fear of it because it hates the feminine race?. Jesus answers that who wants that the spirit has inhaled divine is commanded to speak, either man or woman.

In the ?Evangelho de Maria?, he has a ticket that the abated disciples with the crucificação, ask for for Maria Madalena who livened up them, counting things that Jesus says to them and it in particular. It speaks then, of its vision of Christ and what it had disclosed it. All had doubted and they had rejected it. In the ?Evangelhos Gnósticos?, Maria Madalena is considered a capable, active, loving woman, with abilities to know and to speak All ??, perhaps what it is a reference to the highest Wisdom, certain understanding that the heart receives and contains. Maria Madalena possuía the ability to know of the inexplicable things, as its vision of Christ. It did not question this its side, as the others. It trusted its closer source. It obtained to see the emissaries the holy ghosts and to transmit its messages to the human beings. As sacred prostitute, it she was mediating between the world the holy ghost and the world of the human beings.

Since the beginning of the Average Age, Saint Maria Madalena has fervorosa devotion, mainly in the Europe, of all the dismissed ones, prostituídos, pecadores and dispossessing, that are in search of a true repentance. Some institutions had been created taking its name, for the accompaniment and orientation, mainly, of women victims of prostitution. It says the legend, that after the return of the Christ stops next to Its Father, Maria Madalena broke in search of the isolation, passing the remaining portion of its life in penance and worship to the Christ, inhabiting in a grotto. As he did not feed himself, angels came constantly in its aid, until he came to falecer and its soul was taken by one cortejoof angels, for the sky, next to its Salvador.

It would have to go until Marseilles, in France, and later the Burgundy, living in a grotto in Ste, Baume. There it would have lived until the end of its life, when she was attended in its stream bed of death for the Maximinus bishop, that gave the extreme unction to it and it embedded it.

Maria Madalena as we see, continues being a prominent figure in the Christian tradition for a psychological reason. The arquetípica dimension of the erótica feminine nature chooses a figure to be the carrier of its projection. The repression of the sexuality for the Christian father manipulated the image thus Maria Madalena was seen as penitente, resigning to its sexuality.

Differently of the old man, whose love for the erótico one was considered compatible with the espiritualidade, these Christian leaders had accurately denied the necessary one for the renewal of the life.

The image of the divine goddess that impersonaties risonhos, radiating, wise, independent and sensual the aspects of the feminine nature exists since that it has historical registers. E can continue to exist in our time if to allow that its image is reestablished and that it takes its place of right in the conscientious understanding.

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