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Creation Of God/poetry

The author took a light hearted approach who God is. There is no connection with what he wrote so he does not really know God and it seems as if he is searching and asking at the same time. The principle of God is that you must believe God is who God says he is. With that principle God would be an abstract because the principle is based on your belief not sight. This pirnciple also states that Gold always existed, so God was not created and this is another thing man rejects because again you have to believe the principle. Regarding creation, the principle is that God spoke all existence into being by his words. Whatever God said, it came to be, whether trees, bees, plants, animals you name it God spoke into being. Now, the Creation of God is a beautiful thing. I myself cannot go with the idea,(because it is really not a theory) that all existence happened by chance, because chance cannot produce or design. But the awesomeness of creation is mind boggling, come on let us be serious, creation overwhelms you. Everyting created shows the thoroughness of God, to me God is a very intimate being, yet so powerful. We cannot understand what it is like to never have to seek counsel or seek understanding or not having to figure something out, never have a crisis. I never heard of any other God that could create with words only, hang a concrete object in nothingness/space,(supported by God's word)call it the sun, allow it generate mass heat, that even 93 million miles away the sun can still give intense heat on earth and even the heat from the sun to earth is designated, because it is not hot all over. Excuse me everyone I cannot take creation lightly. Even the life forms we cannot see with the naked eye once viewed/magnified they are complex by design. God did something else in creation, God created man in God's own image, likeness, simlitude, but some have this notion that man evloved from something less than.. God does not pray to anyone and earth was a gift to us. God has no hidden meanings/secrets, God is upfront truth cannot be hidden. Anyone that know God knows that there is always something new to debate.Creation is not a surface topic, creation requires you to dig deep and no matter how far you dig you will never hit rock bottom. I am sure knowingly or unknowingly, we all appreciate air we may not want to believe God created air or water. Again, the Creation of God is not something that simply happened there was substance behind creation. We will never comprehend how all existence came into being, like I stated before it is mind boggling. But as the title states God does because he created all existence.Creation does not have two sides.

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