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The Foreigner
(Albert Camus)

Write your summary here. The book is unchained starting with the death of Mrs.
Meursault in the asylum. Her son, Meursault, whose history is the plot of
the book, is going to the mother's funeral, however, didn't show an expression of
sadness for her death. The following day to the funeral, Meursault was already in bed with a woman,
badly he remembered the mother's death, in spite of alleging that he liked her
a lot. This woman, Marie, which who he will have hot nights after his mother's death, will be his lover till the end of the book. In that middle time, he makes friends like Raymund. One day, in the vacations, lost, Raymund and Meursault are at the desert, for
they be with fear that an Arabic, an old disaffection of Raymond, attacked them. He appeared, however, Meursault took out the weapon and shot once;
he approached the corpse and it shot more shots. Meursault was arrested. Going by a long process of verifications, however, him didn't know how to explain what made him to shoot the Arabic after the first shot and it was
apathetic practically before his own prison and of the accusations that he suffered. In one of these, it detaches one: when they accuse him of coldness in relation
to his own mother, retaking the initial fact of the history, the abandonment
in the asylum, apathy to her death; Meursault tries to avoid of the accusation, but, he doesn't get, therefore,
he can't answer how old was his own mother that year in that she had
died. He is judged and convict to the death, acting with apathy until the
execution of his sentence.

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