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(Eric shegal)

A story of a boy and his neighbour girl, Eric takes us on a rollacoaster ride of life of these two doctors in a gripping novel. The story begins in the backdrop of second world war,where two neighbours become friends for life. Eric has captured the sensitivities of life and love in a form only he can do. The journey of the two main characters who become dorctors goes through the ups and downs in life, showing the difficulties and trauma the doctors undergo sometimes, when they are helpless and wait for the inevetable, death. Yet, life is all about struggle to live and this book shows that life must and does move on. Eric should be appreciated to have used the medical jagron to perfection, which very few can do. A epic in writing, doctors is a pleasure to read from the beginning, where a dean welcomes the freshers to the medical school with the most exiciting and touching passage ever written, till the end. He has thouched some of the life's most dreaded moments like failure and suicide in the life of a student and the pressures which lead them to take the extreme step. He has succeded in his endevour to show that nothing is more valuable than "LIFE" and he who respects life only succeeds. A book well written and easily understandable "Doctors" is a landmark book in novel writing by one of the greatest novelist of all times "ERIC SHEGAL".

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