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The Crucible
(Arthur Miller)

Witches in literature are big business these days with Harry P clearly blazing the trail. In today's works of fiction witches are essentially glamorised and revered for their super human powers. The Crucible tells it as it really was, painting a picture of the lunacy and abject fear of a time when it was potentially dangerous to be born a woman. Historically, it is thought that up to five million women were tortured and burnt alive at the stake on suspicion of being a witch. Keeping this is mind we can have a keener awareness of the plight of The Crucible's characters and the extreme consequences of their actions. Central to the unfolding plot is the former affair between the teenage seductress Abigail Williams and the troubled John Proctor who fell under her spell whilst she was working in his household. His wife Elizabeth fired her on learning the truth. Given the climate of the times, the scorned Abigail knows exactly how to take revenge and when the opportunity arises she accuses John's innocent wife of being a witch. What ensues can only be described as mass hysteria as pubescent girls wreak havoc on their own sex and through their folly accuse and condemn older, guiltless women of the deadliest of all crimes: witchery.So what relevance does this play have today and why is it still a perennial favourite amongst drama school students ? apart from the obvious reasons such as a great plot and cast with some very juicy roles? In The Crucible we witness collective dysfunction, where insanity takes over groups of people. The parallels with what's happening in the world today with the ?war on terror' and the pointless murder of innocent people are obvious and no doubt contribute to the timeless appeal of this outstanding work. © Emma Taylor 19 June 2006

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- The Crucible

- The Crucible

- The Crucible

- The Crucible

- The Crucible

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