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Critical Of The Pure Reason
(imanuel kant)

e all these histories if join if well moored coherent form and. In Kant, in its Critical one of the Pure Reason, it looks for, from a critical method the priorístico, called for it of transcendental philosophy, to search to display the limits and the conditions of possibility of the human knowledge. The transcendental filsofia, for it thus servant, searchs to point the reasons that really could base the truths that could become science, that is, necessary and the universal ones. That is, the ones that can here be accepted and in any another part of the universe. For in such a way, in the preface of this explicita workmanship the questions primordial of its workmanship: the search for the synthetic judgments a priori of metaphysics. Such task thus consisting the primordial task of that workmanship, passes to be analyzed in the called posterior parts of Aesthetic Transcendental and Analítica Transcendental. The solution for such question if gives for the elements a priori of the college of sensitivity, space and time, and of the agreement, the categories. The relation of these elemtnos stops with objects aposteriori generates the empirical knowledge.

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