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2. Bhishma's Vow: Mahabharata
(C. Rajagopalachari)

 King Santanu was filled with joy when Ganga presented him with his wonderful and youthful son, Devavrata. He crowned him the heir apparent. Four years later, while roaming the banks of the Yamuna, Santanu came across a maiden of incomparable beauty. Her name was Satyavati. After Ganga?s departure, Santanu had led a life of discipline, but the sight of this angelic beauty subjected him to a compelling desire for her. He proposed to her. The girl, in a voice as sweet as honey, directed Santanu to her father, a shrewd fisherman. The fisherman had sensed Santanu?s weakness. He demanded that the child born of Satyavati must inherit Santanu?s throne. Santanu did not accede because it meant denying Devavrata his rightful place. But he was devastated. Devavrata, sharp as he was, guessed that something was amiss. He asked his father the reason for his miseries. King Santanu had to be discreet. He explained to Devavrata the possible pitfalls associated with a king having only one son. He implied that should anything happen to an only son, the royal throne might be in jeopardy. Devavrata took the hint. After interrogating the king?s charioteer, Devavrata traced the fisherman. He could now realise the reason for his father?s agony. Devavrata lost no time in denouncing the throne and promised to Satyavati?s father that the son born of Satyavati would be King Santanu?s heir apparent. But the fisherman was not convinced. He wanted a guarantee that a generation later, Devavrata?s future sons ? expected to be as brave and valiant as Devavrata ? would not stake claims to the throne. It is then that Devavrata promised never to get married. Even the gods were moved by this terrible vow and hailed Devavrata?s great sacrifice. They named him Bhishma, which means the awesome one. Ganga?s son then escorted Satyavati to Santanu. Chitrangada and Vichitravirya were the two sons that Satyavati bore to Santanu. The brothers ascended the throne one after the other. Vichitravirya had two sons ? Dhritarashtra and Pandu. The former went on to become the father of one hundred sons ? the Kauravas. Pandu had five, who became famous as the Pandavas.

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