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Love Story
(Erich Segal)

A charming love story that makes you want to read it all over again...to dream about love without having to say you're sorry!!This is a wondeful story about Oliver Barrette IV and Jenny Cavilleri, the story of a rich Harvard jock and a wisecracking Radcliffe music major who have nothing in common but love?and everything to share but time.

Their love story starts off in college as dates and more frequent dates and then it matures into a marriage of two souls who sacrifice dreams and much more for love. Oliver Barret IV hates the way his father speaks and the ways he behaves. Jenny's father Phil is a Widower and he lives for his daughter. Jenny gets a scholarship in a music college at Paris, but she drops the offer. Oliver and Jenny get married with Phil's permission, but Oliver Barret III disagrees.Oliver and Jenny start their lives with love as their base and care as the roof.The conversations between them in the book are funny and hilarious,touching and sad.

Towards the latter half of the book one realises that they had everything to share but time.Jenny and Oliver start to make their life with their own earnings. They rent an apartment for Low Cost. Oliver graduates from law college and is offered a good job.Their lifestyle changes, they move into costly apartment. They plan to get a child.Jenny is tested positive wiith Leukemia at the last stage.Only then one realises that only their love would last forever. They teach us that love is all about understanding, believing, maturity and truly having that special bond, that special sparkle in your heart.Jenny leaves Oliver behind with heartfelt memories of their everlasting love.

This is a story of perfect love, which one can often just, dream of and hope to experience.

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