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Something Borrowed
(Equine Author)

Angel was born on the wrong side of the fence, plain, small, mousy looking, with an abundance of freckles she had a tainted past, her mother walked out when she was 3 months old her father was a drunk and blamed her for her mothers post natal depression and claimed that was what caused her to leave. Angel truthfully was the unwanted child, the mistake, that ruined his plans, she knew the truth her father in many a drunken rage told her.

Her father had been in horses from a young age starting at a racing yard when he was 13, helping when ever he could and gaining as much knowledge as he could about training and riding horses, but he had a callous streak that even at an early age this could be seen in his riding, if the horse dared put a foot wrong it was worked and worked on till it was near collapse due to tiredness and stress, it was well known he was a cruel horseman and had about as much respect for humans as he did for horses.

Angel's mother was a different person, she was meek and mild, she was so gentle with people and animals, people could never understand how such a lady could end up with Eric, Rose just wasn?t his type, Eric liked the loud, brassy types that frequently were seen hung on his arm like a new trophy, when Rose showed up everyone was gob smacked, she was politely spoken, well groomed, feminine and certainly not the usual type that Eric was known to date, she wasn?t a beer drinking, foul mouthed wench, so what on earth was the attraction.

Eric was no oil painting, he was short, slim, with bright red hair that looked like it always need a good comb and him a good bath, despite being very pale in his complexion he always looked dirty. Rose was taller, slim, with silky blonde hair, a true English rose, she prided herself on her appearance and was a very proud lady. They were always the mis-matched couple and when they declared they were to be married people were amazed, there was rumour that Rose felt she could change Eric and he felt he could manipulate her and was quiet a bully.

It was 6 months after the wedding that Rose and Eric announced they were expecting their first child, Eric still very involved in horses had separated Rose from her friends, she was no longer allowed to mix with her Show jumping friends, she simply spent all her days with Eric and his "friends" who brought horses to the yard he ran to be trained for racing or hunting, many times the bills went unpaid and Rose was left to not only keep the debt collectors from the door but also wonder where their next meal was going to come from, so long as Eric was happy and had his drink, he stayed quiet, he was volatile and could turn nasty - Rose knew only too well to keep the peace and say nothing about financial matters.

On the 25th December Angel was born, named Angel because of the day she was born on, Rose was tired and withdrawn, Eric had done nothing but complain from the time Rose said she was pregnant with her, Rose fell depressed with a demanding husband who insisted that throughout her pregnancy she carried on working on the yard and running the house. When Angel was born Eric insisted that Rose despite being in labour still did her share of the work that day. Eventually when Angel was 3 months old Rose had enough and walked out on her family, Eric covered up saying Rose was on a holiday with family and she would return, as the months passed people speculated that Eric in a violent rage had gone too far and Rose was never coming back.

Angel never knew what happened to her mother as a child she was always looked after by this endless stream of Aunties that disappeared sooner then they appeared, she didn?t know what she was doing wrong, she thought she was a good child but her fathers slipper and the being sent to bed early without supper made her believe it was all her fault they had gone, she didn?t like her father he always smelt funny and slurred his words.

It was when Angel was 6 that Aunty Jessy came into her life and didn?disappear, Aunt Jess was different to the others, she would row back with Eric and took no messing, Angels childhood would change and the course of her life would be mapped out by this tall dark haired lady that Angel loved...........
Aunt Jessy was a breath of fresh air to Angel, with Aunt Jess Angel felt she was allowed to be a child, even despite her tender years even at the age of 6 her father was not bothered about her age he would swear, drink, have an endless stream of women on his arm that all commented on the sweet child then carried on with their private party, right in front of her, she basically got her own meals, did her own school lunches, and got herself up and went to school. Eric didn?t care much at all for her.

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