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Foundation (fundación)
(Isaac Asimov)

"Foundation" is the first volume of the trilogy "Foundation", that Isaac Asimov wrote during its youth. Later, due to the pressures of its readers, Asimov complemented the trilogy with other volumes, but the main base of the three first ("Foundation ", "Foundation and Empire" and "Second Foundation") still is an obligatory reading for the lovers of good Literature. In "Foundation" we found to Hari Seldon, a mathematician who develops all a new area of the knowledge: the psico-history, whose complex mathematical bases allow to predict the conduct of great groups of human beings. Truely great, because Hari Seldon is a subject of the Galactic Empire, that groups million worlds of the milky route. The main impact of the investigation of Seldon comes from one of his first conclusions: the empire, that seems so strong, so organized and so determined, will collapse slowly, leaving to a period of chaos and barbarism that will last thirty thousand years. Naturally, that prediction does not please to the emperor and Hari Seldon faces the pressures of the government trying to explain to them to all whom it is an academic work, not of a coup d'etat. The salomónica solution consists of elaborating an encyclopedia, a titánico work that will compile the knowledge of the galactic empire in volumes that will be published throughout the years. Nevertheless, such work requires an almost total isolation and the equipment of specialists and enciclopedistas of Hari Seldon almost is forced to emigrate until Terminus, a planet in the external limits of the galaxy. That, naturally, pleases to the emperor, who automatically moves away a bird of bad omen of his palace. But Seldon dies before being able to travel to Terminus, and the equipment of enciclopedistas discovers that they have been sent to a planet without natural resources, support and wealth Ý with slow and Barbarian neighbors. The only exit is to remove benefit from the knowledge that they have, handling to the ambitions and the superstitions of the neighboring kingdoms; thus, Foundation becomes a power in a region that the empire has forgotten. The tricks and you intrigue them that Asimov describes follow as effective as when escribio '; their scorn by the ignorance and the despotism is detailed in each interaction of the citizens of Foundation with the noble and the bureaucrats of the kingdoms and the empire. Asimov did not write one novel of science-fiction, wrote the history of many countries and many cultures, although all did not have a happy end.

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