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Murder On The Orient Express
(Agatha _Christie)

Agatha Christie wrote one of the most well-known criminal novels "Murder Orient Express" which was published in 1934. In this novel the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot is asked by the director for the sleeping cabins, an old friend, to solve a murder case. This happened in a compartment in the famous luxury train. It was by chance that Poirot was asked by Monsieur Bouc, his old friend, to deal with the investigation into the ominous murder case involving a sixty year old, rich american by the name of Ratchett who was killed with 12 stabs. The train is covered in snow and is resting on a quiet track far away from the next town. The always well dressed Belgian commences in his umistakable manner ,applying logic and rationale, the questionning of 12 passenges on the train with the assistance of Dr. Constantine, a Greek citizen, and Monsieur Bouc. Since logic and rationale are one of the most developed skills in Poirot's serendipity he soon found out who the victim is. Thus, his further research lead him to the common past of all the passengers on the train.
In 1928, the author herself (born in 1890) took the Orient - Express on a journey to Bagdad. It is probable that this was where the idea originated to create this classic and very thrilling criminal novel in which all passengers are suspicious from the outset. As the reader you may think you have identified the murder but soon after Poirot will suspect someone else and now one thinks this is the murderer. Unlike in other such novels, where the least suspected is the culprit, in the Orient Express it simply not enough to point the finger at the least suspicious person. This is what makes the book so tense. Everyone is suspicous at some point. And the murderer? ...
Well, in the end we will not be surprised be the Queen of crime.

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