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The Perfume
(Patrick Süskind)

This novel is very passionate and really good. It is interesting from the title and the beginning onwards, it is the history of an assassin, " Das geschichte Einens Morders". The book says us in detail the life of Jean Baptiste Grenouille, our future assassin in the best contemporized of the ending of XVII century in France. Also there are interesting themes which includes our personality. For example does not have any body odor, have an exquisite sniffing sense. Because of this small detail the protagonist reach to some extend of the life. Firstly with the help of an old perfumer and then, trying in similar circumstances. In certain forms the novel is not the history of the assassin but better the history of how to make an assassin. In the novel we assisted for the creation by following his unique virtues; finding the exact way to make best perfume. Of course, every thing will not work out as planned. Helped for it at the end.

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