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Against The Method
(Paul Feyerabend)

Despite what that academic institutions are teaching, the science is neither a rigourous discipline nor a rational one.It is taking obviously its sources from the irrational and does owe its progress by transgressing the rules told scientifical.To have a progress - in science's field - the searcher has to reconsider all the previous methods and certitudes because no method, nor "certitude" have ever been definitely trustful.The only method which worth kept today in science is exactly the absence of the method or more epistemological anarchism.It's an scientific attitude which resides, mainly, in the lack of consideration of any theory, any belief being inappropriate to the sc ience.
Everything, absolutely everything is good to achieve the sciences progress.The evidence:theories which have been considered yesterday by science as anomalies are today seen, by the same science, as high scientifical. This is especially the case of heliocentrism. This theory perceived as an incongruity by the scientists of middle age is in present a key-theory, a paradigm, of the science.In front of such a stammering and delais of the science, the consequent observer has the right to deduce that the science isn't superior to other types of knowledge whom it has the tendancy to treat like being primitifs. The science is nothing else but a simple mode to know from many others.So it need to open itself to all the knowledge, including those which are regarded as primitives or abnormals.

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