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Love Story
(Erich Segal)

This book is about the birth of a great and strong love and not the kind of ?love at first side and they lived happily ever after?, but the kind born from different stiles of life and the inevitability of the destiny. This is an unforgettable and a true love story.
A book that starts with the end, in which the reader will know from the beginning that a fifteen year old girl dies, and it follows her story from the moment she discovered the most beautiful feeling life could have ever given her?
Jenny Cavilleri is a girl with family values; she works in a library to help her pay for her studies. Oliver Barret is a rich brat; almost denying his family, acting like everything around is supposed to be his. There can not be more different personalities and still their destiny brings them together and they become crazily in love with each other. Against the expectants of Oliver?s family, the two run together, get married and live their lives for two intense years, working hard for themselves so they would never depend on anyone ever. But Jenny discovers she is very ill, too ill, and dies leaving behind a very changed and mature Oliver.
This book is based on the phrase ?To love means never say I?m sorry?, one of the most full of sentiment and feelings novel that were ever written.

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