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Going To The Library
(Loretta Applegate)

One day Molly started to read a book she told her Mother she was interested her mother told her good she really go into the book and her friend Polly came over . Polly do you want to go to the library ? Why yes I belave i do its so much fun for the children to learn about books and help them with thier reading skills. Lets go let me tell my mom said Molly sure thats fine. They went the Library .Hi Mrs Taylor Hi girls how are we today ? We are just fine. May I help you? We are looking for some good fun learning books do you have any? Yes I sure do this Library is filled with good books. "Wow" Polly look at this book you like reading books about adventures dont you?Yes I do and I really like the one about Going to the Library its so fun. Mrs Taylor do you think you can have a summer program this summer that all the children can go and read and learn.Yes I sure can says MRS Taylor it would be wounderful. We are going to go home so we can read. Molly do you want to come to my house? Well Polly I want to go and read some of my book I got and Thin im going to write a story and give it to MRS Taylor she will like that i bet.Yes i beleave she will dont you Mom? Yes I sure she will. Can I call Mrs Taylor ? Yes please do and find out what she says about writing a story. Can you be here tomarrow said Mrs Taylor Yes I can says Molly can i bring Polly? Yes its concering both of you. The next day we went to see Mrs Taylor. Hello girls hi MrsTaylor.Can we make a chart and talk to other childen that would be interested in reading books?Yes that would be great. We can also ask them if they want a certificate in reading books and take them home to their parents . Yes Molly good idea you are smart. Molly would you please make a chart and have it on the table so children can sign thier names. Yes Mrs Taylor that would be great. What day do you want to have this> I beleave Thursay around two pm sounds wounderful to me. Well girls we got most of the stuff done and we can go home for the day. Oh Mrs Taylor "Yes" Do you want me to write a story about the book im readding? "Yes please do that will be great to read it Thursday to all the children. Ok I will see you all Thursday said Mrs Taylor well Molly said Polly guess we better go home and get to readding and writing our storys "Yes " we need to talk to you later says Molly.
Done By Loretta Applegate 2006

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