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How To Shed Extra Pounds


There is a good news for all those who want to shed those extra pounds but can not curb their food carvings. In the early stages of scientifically tricking the body in to the eating less and finding a treatment for obesity without dangerous side effects.
" You could call it an invisible diet. It is really simple. This technology will help people to feel satisfied with a small serving of food instead of a large helping " The process involves nanoparticles,or microscopic medical devices. A feeling of fullness is created by a smaller amount of food when the nanoparticles are inside the cells because the nanoparticles are made of the same fat molecules that are naturally in the body cells.
The ripid molecules are replicated in the laboratory and then directed toward specific fat cells in the intestines are used. We are trying ti trick receptors into thinking they have fat when its actually not there.
In recent years scientist have made great strides inthe identifying molecules that explain how we identify those dofferent things, but the general consensus was that fat had no taste.

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