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The Little Prince

This is a to not only write to the child but also writes to the adult : the most sadly story in the world, a parable about concerning love and responsibility . this is the best book- ? The little Prince? whose global reading rate only next to ? Holy Bible ? .
? The little Prince? tells the story that author( an airplane pilot left on African big desert because of the air crash) met a little Alien by chance :The little prince came from a very far very far but very small pimping star, where everything is very very small. The little prince felt sadness easily , his very small life was full of tender feelings ?? such little prince, met with author in the Sahara Desert. The little prince described to the author the stars he had visited .So we come after The little prince , examining the world we live on with his vision , following the author together,and become a child once more, look for the innocent and move we have ever owned .

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- El Principito

- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

- The Little Prince

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