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The Celestine Prophecy
(Redfield; James)

The Celestine Prophecy is an intriguing book that urges you to open your mind to unconventional ideas about the nature of human existence. It is a capitvating work of fiction about an ancient Manuscript found in Peru containing different "insights" about our souls and a new way to live. It is a controversial story in that it goes against traditional religious beliefs, but it does not do so in an insulting manner. It simply proposes a new way to think about the way we interact with eachother in terms of the energy we give and receive, and the way our childhood plays a role in this distribution of energy. It claims that everyone can be placed into one of four different personality categories. For instance if your parents were in the Interrogator category (they constantly questioned you during childhood), then you would most likely be in the Aloof category, meaning you tend to avoid questions and certain conversations throughout your life. It also challenges you to understand nature; to stop and appreciate the tree you walk by each day on your way to work. It proposes that maybe our world was never supposed to become the government-run, money-making machine that it is today. We began with the right idea, seaching for God and truth, but somehow amidst the wars and scandals we lost ourselves and started down the wrong path, forgetting our original mission.This is definitely a book for the open-minded, less critical reader. If you can put your own beliefs and theories completely aside before delving into this story, I think you will benefit greatly from it. It can expand your mind and give you the opportunity to view humankind as a whole, rather than as individuals merely out to make money and step on eachother along the way. Ultimately, it's a book about love.

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