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Eleven Minutes
(paulo coelo; an extract by roopsi narula)

A never ending quest---- desperate relationships-----broken hearts---silent cries----after all when will one get the person made for him? This seems to be the cry of our pining hearts.
Paulo Coelo in Eleven Minutes, touches a subject that he has never before. Maria, the protaganist is an innocent girl born in a Brazilian village. Her growing up experiences convince her that sexual experiences with men. She gains an insight into human nature through the sexual fetishes, sadism and masochism of men.
However she soon meets her soulmate who recognises the special light in her and this sets into motion, the divine play.The author believes that it takes precisely eleven minutes to have sex and these become the most important moments in everyones life. However he explores the essence of sacred sex through which Maria becomes a part of the heavenly dance.

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