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Sonia's Love From Crime And Punishment
(????? ???????????; KATIUSZA)

Sonia's love from Crime and Punishment. What was love of Sonia Marmeladov for Rodion Raskolnikov? Was it pure? Platonic? Sonia is a nice, sensitive girl full of compassion and kindness, who due to the tragically difficult financial situation of her family had to earn her living by selling her body in a currupted country. She get to know a poor student, Rodion, who reveals to her his most secret mystery regarding the murder of a hated greedy female money-lender and his mentally impaired sister. She is the one who causes his inner change. She teaches him that every sin must be redeemed in order for the everlasting happiness to be earned.
This is why she convinces him to confess hos guilt first, and then to redeem it in faraway Siberia, where she goes with him because takes part of his suffering on herself. Sonia realizes that her love for Rodion is not mutual, therefore doesn't expect or demand anything in return. However, her destiny favored her, and Sonia's big feeling regurgitated Rodion's love.

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- Crime And Punishment

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