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The Kite Runner
(Khaled Hosseini)

Written in the first person, this heart-warming story stretches across continents and emotions. The story begins in Afghanistan, with the portrayal of friendship and love between two young boys and their fathers. The divide between wealthy and poor, between servant and served, between different religious factions in the country are clearly portrayed, unembellished. During term-time, Amir attends school while Hassan prepares his food for him and cleans house. During holiday time the two boys play together. Amir reads to the illiterate Hassan of heroes and warriors. The boys share a mutual love of kite-fighting, but it proves to be their demise. As Hassan runs a kite for his master, the local bullies catch him. Amir witnesses his rape and does nothing ? an action ? or lack of action ? which will haunt him into adulthood.
Forcing Hassan and his father from their home by ugly and treacherous means, Amir and his father are soon forced to flee their own home and head to America. We hear of Amir?s first love, his marriage, his work ? always through the eyes of Afghanistan.
Circumstances force him back to Pakistan and eventually back to his hometown of Kabul. Under Taliban rule we live the horrors of this visit and gain small insight into life in those times. The story comes full circle and takes us face to face with the local bully, now a Taliban terrorist. Amir confronts his nightmares full on and, to some degree, defeats them. He returns to America with a young boy whose childhood has already been taken away from him by the Taliban. Slowly, Amir tries to build a relationship, to teach trust, to give him back a life. All seems hopeless, until one day they see some kites fighting in the sky ?

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- The Kite Runner

- The Kite Runner

- The Kite Runner

- The Kite Runner

Passei.com.br | Biografias


