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Around The World In Eighty Days
(Jules Verne)


The story centres around Phileas Fogg, a rich, and yet strangely eccentric man. He was greatly respected, being an Englishman of high class, and was one of the noticeable members of the Reform Club (London).
At the Club, Phileas Fogg and his companions, while playing cards, talk about how the world is becoming a more familiar and smaller place. Stuart, a gentleman there does not agree, and finds it impossible that one could go around the world in just eighty days. He felt that though possible, it was not practical as you had to take into account weather changes, as well as sudden and long delays. But Fogg still insisted that it was possible, and offered to prove it. Stuart then lay down a bet of four thousand pounds that Phileas Fogg would not be able to go all around the world in such a short span of time. In return, Fogg laid twenty thousand pounds of his own money at stake, and said that he would leave that very evening.

And so they began their eventful journey, master and servant! They met a detective (they didn?t know he was a detective!) called Fix, who was looking for the robber who had robbed a bank in England who was sure Fogg was the thief and followed him on his journey. They managed to save a young lady from being sacrificed and convinced Fix that Fogg was not the robber.

As he had been traveling eastwards all through, he had gained a day though he had not realized it. On reaching his house, he spent the day in silence, as they all thought he had lost the bet, and so lost his fortune. Aouda owed Fogg a lot, and asked him if he would marry her. Phileas was so happy that he told Passepartout (who was extremely happy with the news) to summon a priest for their wedding the next day. He thought the next day would be a Monday and so scheduled the wedding for that morning. After a while however, Passepartout came running back, and breathlessly explained to Fogg that they still had ten minutes(having realized they had gained a day)to reach the Club and win the bet. Without giving him a moment to think even, Passepartout had rushed Fogg into a cab and directed it to the Club.

Thus Phileas Fogg, having made his journey around the world in the specified time, gaining a day as he traveled, achieved an almost impossible feat, went around the world in eighty days! He married Aouda and Passepartout remained their faithful servant. A magnificent read and a classic of sorts by the effervescent Jules Verne!

Miss R

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