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Why Men Lie And Women Always Buy Shoes
(Allan & Barbara Please)

When looking at the interpersonal relationships between men and women, it is hard to come to a compromise. Yet, are men really bastards and us women world champions in the shoe-purchasing category? Can't women just as easily lie to men or sleep with them without experiencing a guild trip the next day? Why is it so difficult for women to let emotions take a step back instead of constantly making them the first priority?
No matter how much we try to adopt male traits, we still always end up in an emotional mess. Shocking, considering how metrosexual men have become - so, what about us women? Well, we stumble after them in the Manolo Whatnots from the latest sale, while they sit in some trendy bar, sporting their Armani suit and making women's hearts jump.
Nevertheless, no matter how we look at it, the fact is: Men cannot do without women, and us women cannot live without men. Nevermind how many times we have been betrayed, lied to or left. Both sides need to admit that opposites attract each other time and again and that's not just a matter of opposite sexes.
The book by Alan and Barbara Please deals extensively with findings of behavioural as well as neurological studies on the war of the sexes, and is not only highly recommendable but also easy to understand. They don't go around the houses with discussions or experiments, but show facts that enlighten the unexplicable misconceptions between men and women at least to some extent. The book is not only aimed at 'frustrated single women' or 'stay-at-home mums', no, men, too, are definitely able to get some enjoyment out of this.
No one is getting priority treatment, everyone gets analysed. A read full of suspense for young or old relationship cynics packed with funny anectdotes as well as suggestions for solutions for specific situations. I was thrilled and fascinated. And so will you.

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