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Finnegans Wake
(James Joyce)

Finnegans Wake content or argument has to be treated as a dream because it was written as dreams are produced. It can be considered as a dream but personally I considered it as a nightmare because of its emotional content. Apparently there is no a coherent narrative structure to follow. However, we readers can open the mistery of this book by joining coincidences about history, religion, culture, mythology, names and lot of other elements. The meanings of the passages are the result of the interaction beetween author´s obssesion´s and reader´s knowledge and expectations. It is about a family called Porter who live above a pub in Dublin or just a night which complements something else. I would say it is about everything and nothingless at the same time because it is the reader who build up the story. For that reason, Finnigans Wake is a challenge for the new reader and for the expert. It is a mistery. It is a different world from the one we know produced by words. The reader is challenged to create a new story which is a never - ended story to work on to sharp our linguistical, historical and cultural knowledge. In such process readers not only take the meaning of some of the passages but also are helping to reveal the obscurity of the text. This is a book which constantly refers to other books such as the Bible, the Coran, the Book of Shells and the Sorrow of Satan. It is full of subjectivity in which the reader can find some of its own dreams and is forced to be part of a creative process. About the language it is a mixture of different language, english, french, hebrew etc. At the end you find the text has some kind of system and method which keeps you reading the book.

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