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How To Make Money In The Stock Market

There are various ways of making money in the capital markets. This is through shares, treasury bills, bonds and commercial papers. The basic rule of stocks is that you buy low and sell high. Bonds are long term investments that last over a year. They earn a preset interest rate at maturity. Treasury bills have a maturity date of less than a year, where it is bought at a discounted rate and at maturity one gets the full face value. Mutual funds are either open ended or close ended. There are various factors to be considered when investing in the stock market: the time duration whether its long term or short term, future occurrences which might interfere with the company or industry of investment. What you stand to lose in the worst case scenario and other alternative investments that might have a higher return for instance real estate. What to look for in the particular company whose shares you want to buy include; the basics/foundation of the company, if it?s being edged out of the market. The consistency of the company in churning out new products or services and remaining relevant. Cost reduction by the company. Gradual consistent growth of the company and the turnover rate of senior company personnel. Ten things required to make money and invest ?safely? in the stock market: knowledge, time, share price, consistency, brokers, companies and when to opt out. Investing in the stock market as a professional, to earn a living is possible one can calculate the average cost of shares bought at different times at different prices and there are various steps to be taken incase of a market crush. The book ends by giving testimonies of various people and their experiences in the stock market. Also included is a glossary of terms used in the stock market.

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