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Practical Guide Of Alfabetização
(Marlene Carvalho)

In the whole world the challenge of the school is to produce good readers. The objective of the reading is the understanding. Before exactly to learn to decode the letters and the sounds, she is necessary to show what it is gotten with the reading and to become it attractive. She is necessary to make the pupil to see the diverse social uses of the reading and the writing. It is important to read in high voice histories and texts of some sorts and to make with that the pupils participate of the reading, making to create hypothesis, ideas, to understand and to interpret the reading. Making with that these readers are critical and write better. The pupil must, more early possible, to approach the diverse types of reading. Therefore the child does not have the same logic of an adult. All professor must find its better way to alfabetizar. The method based on the spelling estimates that the reader is a capable to make a fusing and not simple juxtaposition of the sounds represented for the letters. Different methods emphasize deferential abilities and ability. We have that to reflect and to study the method before applying it. Exactly cartilha being good or bad, does not have to be used as only material of reading. The systematic alfabetização can be of the five to the seven years, without difficulties, if adequate conditions of education will be given to it. It is not necessarily more difficult to alfabetizar an adult of whom a child, however this task will be facilitated will have used material resources and as the reality of the pupil. The success of a alfabetização method depends very on the professor, its ability, envolvement, encouraging attitude and confidence with the pupils, weighing very for the success of the alfabetização. The three different ways to alfabetizar: From the phrase and the contextualizada word. Alfabetização to leave of the text is motivadora because of to the pupil the impression of that it walks fast to arrive at whom he interests. Alfabetização to apartir of the phrase initiates with the choice of a phrase created for the professor or pupil, later the interpretation of the meaning and contextualização of the phrase. E the alfabetização of the contextualizada word can be the starting point for alfabetização counting that the light professor in account the context, all, the totality, where it presents itself. Since the context is essential for the understanding of the word, one of the things that the alfabetizador must make is to use as word-key some of those and seems in the text or phrase of interest for the group..

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