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The World Haunted For The Demons: Seen Science As A Candle In The Dark One
(Carl Sagan)

The book deals with to the spreading and the defense of science, its importance and its scientific method in 25 chapters. It takes left in the justification of science trying to legitimize to the rationality as condition human being describing that one as ?good in itself?, and the process of the understanding of the world cannot be denied by a simple arbitrary whim. It is used of a vast argument illustrating and evidencing the defense that the author makes of science. The scientific method standes out the combat on the other hand pseudosciences emphasizing the innocent, characteristic passion typical of the common sense. It presents the possible reasons of the maintenance of these not scientific beliefs inthe society that they are presented as inherited cultural and biological aspects of distant ancestor, basic for the survival of the species human being, however, not being able to function as traps for the when not recognized discernment. It points that to renounce science it is more than to abandon technologies, is the same that to deny an inherent condition to the human being that are the rationality and consequently, the possibility of the knowledge. It describes that the democracy as toggle spring of the scientific progress is worthy of admiration and improvement. The description of the heading and the sub-heading, accurately presents the idea of that the clarity or illumination, would be the result of the scientific process. It refutes the místic and any possibility of ?knowledge? not crossed by the rational scientific thought - it occurs a species of basic characteristic not meaconing of the positivism and cientificism of ocidente. The compromise of the author with science if gives in the amplest reliable scope and hope in this ?tool?. ?Half solid? the science as only of knowledge concerning the world, and manipulation of this exactly for the practical life, demonstrates to its legitimacy and its possibility of being taken the serious one, with the applicable results in the daily life and the laboratory: It simplifies the world becoming it ?accessible? and creates tools more that they make possible to execute tasks in more efficient way.

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