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Story Behind The Famous Story " Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows":

 Harry PotterAfter writing her first two books J.K thought that she must do something more than this to succeed in her carrier as a author .and at the same time a small imagination came into her mind around a small wizard boy an a wizard world shelet this boy grow in her mind and created a story about that boy and finally that story came to our hands as a book and a famous series Harry Potter.Harry Potter book became famous after creating the film and now J.K s small imagination has earned her lot more than she needed and it brought her a long distance that she had been planning to come all in her life.Harry potter book became popular as the first potter film was released it attracted every and each childs mind all around the world.reason why theses potter films became popular are choosing right actors for right charactors described in the book for an example Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter.This book made not only J.K s life luxury but all those teenage actors and actress who acted in that filmDaniel has now become the Worlds richest child .and he has become very popular among the children.if we look back the thing which made this thing happen is that small imagination which grew day by day in her mind, that proves that anything small can do something big , even though the atom is small 1/3 of atom did a big harm to japan.and now ask your self a small question what you can do?

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