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Secrets Of The Zohar
(Michael Berg)

This book is a series of stories and meditations to awaken the heart. Michael Berg is the co-director of the Kabbalah centre and the translator of the ancient text the 23 volume - Zohar. The secrets of The Zohar are the secrets of the Bible.  The book provides explanations of sections of the Zohar that presents wisdom related to life''s challeges, fears and the need for inspiration - all presented both in aramaic text and English text.
Michael Berg ends each chapter with a profound meditation for putting the portion''s message into action.
The book is both inspirational and powerful and accessible to all religions and illustrates a way of ''being'' and a way of ''life''.  

Resumos Relacionados

- The Holy Bible

- Zodiac

- Bible

- Incredible You

- The Bible

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