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Games Indians Play

July 02 2007
Dear ABC Proactive
Received your letter yesterday. Why do you keep blurting about this ecological menace?
?The scientists together with environmentalists have finally given an eight year deadline. Who cares about these charlatans? They blather that if we do not do anything now, our offspring will suffer both ways.
?They will face drinking water inadequacy and simultaneously be smothered by its unwanted and undrinkable form.?
You apprehend that our offspring will yell at us ?dad you were the last generation that could have done anything?.
Will anyone tell them to shut up? You switch to the Discovery Channel and there are programmes showing environmental demise. I remember those good days of mine when they aired programmes on vintage car races, and colossal trucks. Big black smoke protruding from their silencers, the all so delicious smoke. Didn?t I love it?
All of a sudden you have everybody screaming in promulgation about this overrated issue. Man, blame the media for this.
They ask me to not to keep computers on standby mode and replace my bathroom bulbs by CFLs. They ask me to use public transport and minimise the use of my air conditioner.
But you don?t know me. I own a car. You expect me to commute in a bus! It is the chauffer driven limousine of the poor you must know. And why the hell should I switch the AC off. Don?t you know it?s quite a furnace here?
And then in the next paragraph you speak about not littering the road and driving in lanes.
Driving in lanes goddamn hell what?s this? Listen pal ours is a free country. You rule the road and throw the trash wherever you want to. What?s the municipality sweeper for? And dare not write about driving in lanes. You got to be street-smart dude and learn to play with the law.
Man stop regurgitating your ecological and quasi-social policing of mine. You guys are absolutely insane, murmuring about civic sense and all that. And the world?s crazy. They have governments falling off the seat on issues like global warming.
Chill out man the world is our playground. You are not affected.
Reply soon.
XYZ Nonchalant
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July 19 2007(through an e-mail)
Mn dis global warming is afftng me drctly nw. it rains wnever it wants to n my maid calls it a day. I hv 2 sleep hungry.
I chngd all my bulbs n nw tke the bus.
Xyz nomore nonchalant

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