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The Gardener''s A-z Guide To Growing Flowers: From Seed To Bloom
(Eileen Powell)

Ready to venture into growing plants from seed? Turn to this wonderful guide from Eileen Powell. She provides a whole range of tips on growing nearly any kind of plants-annuals, perennials, and even shrubs-from seed. For each individual plant, the author lets you know when to plant the seeds and where, then how often to water and feed, how to maintain the flowers, when to transplant-everything there is to know. In addition, she gives tips on what other species go well your plant, and a gallery of great photos to help you decide on what flowers to grow. As an excellent bonus, thereÆs a chart listing each and every plant mentioned in the book, with its hardiness zone, moisture requirements, height, color, best soil type, and light requirements. If your taste is for exotic plants, Powell is here to help. She wrote this book specifically to guide gardeners who want to grow less-common plants that they just canÆt find at their local garden centers. But donÆt worry if you like the tried-and-true varieties. She also has all the information you need to grow all the traditional flowers, from moss roses to pansies. All in all, youÆll find that this book will get you started growing a whole range of plants. A definitive, must-read book.

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