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Just Us
(Melissa Balmain)

Several years ago, Melissa Balmain and her mother were tired and needing a vacation. One thing led to another and they agreed to go on a trip together without their spouses so that they can get to know one another better. They decided that an outdoor trip would force the sharing of confidences. Over the next few years, the mother and daughter team has gone kayaking amidst killer whales, v isited remote Native American ruins, fly-fishing, and riding mush sled pulled by dogs, etc. This book is the true adventures of Melissa Balmain and her mother, who made eight trips back to nature together. The stories are often funny and poignant as the two intrepid females begin to connect with each other. Even more so, readers will connect with JUST US because it runs the entire gamut of human emotions in an upbeat way.

Resumos Relacionados

- Flowers In The Attic

- Where My Mother Came From

- For One More Day

- When A Mother Don''t Show Love To Her Children Or Others

- Parent Trap

Passei.com.br | Biografias


