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Of The Citizen
(Thomas Hobbes)

The workmanship of Thomas Hobbes possesss enormous influence in the ociedental philosophical thought. Theoretician of the legal philosophy, but not restricted only it, this thinker insígne in them bequeathed some of books most written, coherent and useful of the history of the humanity. As great theoretician of the English State in Century 17, he can yourself be said without the shadow of a doubt that its influence on future governments and nations was clear. He was célebre when having written the Leviatã book, what he does not want to say that other less known they do not deserve to appear in the gallery of the classics of literature. In the book Of the Citizen (Of Cive), Hobbes analyzes the relations between the State and the Church, leaving of the principle that Church and State composes an only body, in which the Monarch would be the equivalent to the head. For this philosopher, the Monarch would have to possess to be able absouto, which would emanate of the social contract celebrated between this and its subjects, being therefore free in such a way to legislate how much to interpret the Sacred Holy Writs in accordance with such legislation. Indispensable workmanship for all the ones that they desire to study the philosophy, especially the Legal philosophy.

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