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Murder On The Orient Express A Hercule Poirot Mystery
(Agatha Christie)

Agatha Christie is an amazing writer, and her novels are summed up by one word--superb. This one is no exception.

This excellent mystery, in fact one of Christie''s most popular novels, features a detective named Hercule Poirot. He just so happens to be a passenger on the Orient Express, and while on the train, someone is murdered (if anyone didn''t see that coming, stop now; mysteries aren''t your type of novel, and therefore you wouldn''t like this). The murder happens during the night, and while stuck in a snow storm. Therefore, the murderer could technically not be a passenger.

Being a detective, he is asked to solve the mystery. One of the first thing Poirot deduces is that the murderer must be someone in his train car. As he begins to conduct interviews, he finds that people have seemingly air tight alibis. In terms of the body itself, the weapon of choice was a knife. However, there were numerous stab wounds, some of which showed immense power, others mere scratches. Although this led to the possibility of a couple suspects, these people had some of the best alibis. Therefore, Poirot realizes that there might be more than one murderer.

As bad as the situation is, things go from bad to worse when passengers reported that on the night of the crime, they noticed two mysterious people on the train. The problem, however, is that the descriptions of these two people didn''t match anybody on the car. After Poirot gets all of his information, and he starts noticing abnormalities in different passengers'' behaviors or stories, he begins to piece things together. The result is absolutely amazing, and makes for one of the best endings I have ever read.

Other info about this book
This book is very descriptive, and really puts you in Poirot''s shoes. Also, Agatha Christie''s style is so good that this is a book I enjoy so much, that I have read it a number of times. I have never been disappointed with it, however, the first time I read it, some parts were confusing. Being a tremendous fan of mysteries, I was specifically looking for clues myself. I was in fact able to predict the ending fairly early because the clues are vague, but there. In fact, the second time I read it, I highlighted every single clue I could find; there are quite a number. However, don''t think that this means the book is very predictable. You really have to search to solve this mystery, making it one of the best, most exciting, and most enjoyable books I have ever read. I hope you enjoy it as well.

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