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(Royal Mail)


I dropped into our local post office and picked up a booklet
on the subject of the great nationwide service known as
The Royal Mail, throughout the land.
The article on Hong Kong caught my eye and I looked
up and down the columns and note with interest that
when I move to Hong Kong to step up the next rung of
the ladder of success in terms of my career, I can
visit Chinese Medicine Shops, restaurants and museums,
and of course participate in social life in Hong Kong.
The Postal Order has been around the UK since my
life as the child saving up money to post to Daddy in
England or sending it off to buy more stamps from
the Stamp Collectors Company in the UK, or last but
not least sending postal orders as presents to my
pen pal in England ... for her birthday ... its a quick
and easy way to transfer small funds and available
in the UK.
There is a jolly good array of jam jars all about Savings
and our national obsession with Saving Up for
retirement, holidays, my dream house in Istanbul
or that dream of a car you''ve always wanted or
a new laptop from the latest and most up to date
shop in the South selling Laptops at an affordable
price ... how to use these Savings to suit your
needs and that of your local Post Office.
Make sure that you look up all the services affordable
at the Post Office but when you wish to move money
around I guess you''d better stick to your Bank''s
view ... I certainly do! And I''ve never looked back.
So there is a lot on offer at your local Post Office,
but something the Booklet doesnt mention is that
queuing is a big drawback ... still that neednt
bother local residents as our local Post Office
is always empty .. either that or the Postal Workers
have dealt with each and everyone at such speed
that there''s nobody left when I arrive with my
letter for Cambridge University to the effect that
I will accept that lecturing job offer after all even
in retirement.   My ex boss encouraged me to
always retain a sense of humour and be
ready to share a joke or two with one and all.
Happy reading ... in "Posted"...

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