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Stumbling Naked In The Dark: Overcoming Mistakes Men Make With Women
(Bradley Fenton)

In his book the author talks about the most dangerous mistakes men often make without realising but turn women off.ens of thousands of sharp and talented men are stumbling naked in the dark. It's what I call men who are not getting their needs met.Fenton clearly explains why our society, while teaching males to be aggressive problem solvers and winners, is setting men up to fail with many women. The book points out ways men can become more attractive to women byLetting women make their own decisions. Treating women with respect. Caring for women's welfare without controlling them.It gives men confidence to approach women by
Giving the reasons women say no in certain situations. Showing men that women's rejection of them is usually ot the result of the men's wrong doing. Convincing men that it is OK to lose. Taking the game and winning out of meeting and dating. This book has another positive aspect I appreciate: It focuses more on the similarities of men and women, rather than the differences. That alone will help many men see the light rather than stumbling naked in the dark.Men learn to overcome the difficulties they frequently find in relationships which Fenton calls Personal Warning Beliefs, identity, Need for Approval, Tactile Needs and Energy.
Realizing the book was written by a male, who seemed to understand women but might not really get the whole picture, I asked four female co-workers or friends to read Felton's book. They all basically agreed it was on target. One woman bought a copy for her bachelor brother.
Bottom Line: While there is no relationship and dating gospel, Felton's work is definitely insightful and worth a guy's time and money.

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