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(Orwell, George)

Write your abstract here.1984: are we there yet??When I read George Orwell?s ?1984?, I was ?disturbed?. The book left a deep impression in me. So deep that I had a four day hangover! It certainly was a drastically life changing experience. It has been quite some time that I read the book and now, when I look at our society with a changed perspective, I would have to conclude; we really are heading towards a ?1984?, not just bound to a couple hundred pages and some ink but a real life ?1984?.In ?1984? is a utopia where free thinking is abolished and controlled by the thought police, where the citizens are bred and continuously haunted by doublethink, where each and every activities are monitored by gadgets, where contradictory slogans endlessly brainwash the citizens in such a way that beliefs, perspectives and ideas are ?induced? and where 'big brother' is always watching over, threatening the very existence of any free and independent idea. A society where the people are distinctly divided into a hierarchy, and their life styles, wholly dependent upon it.Though the contents of 1984 seem exaggerated, to look at Orwell?s utopian model with a condescending attitude or to regard it as a fantasy or mere thoughts of a philosopher would be immature thinking and narrow mindedness. Free and independent thinking is undoubtedly the biggest and the most valuable asset of human life. It is what draws the margin between other animals and human beings. But, it is also the dominant cause for various undesired consequences like disputes, wars, bloodsheds, religious and ethnic violence and lastly, social and economic inequality. Therefore, the question arises, ?is free thinking really worth it?? Many people already believe that free thinking is the biggest hazard to humans and the ultimate cause for deprivation of ?happiness?. Holocausts such as the world wars and various other bloodsheds have justified the question and created doubts to many people whether we should encourage or completely eradicate free thinking.Already, early signs of a 1984 can be seen in our world. And though such extremities don?t exist, there certainly is a tacit system that is slowly depriving us of our ?priceless? asset. Politics, fashion, society, education, technology, brands, economy, even the media that at times so blatantly expresses the idea of independent views is indirectly telling us what to think and how to act rather than encourage individual natural thoughts. Slowly but steadily, civilization is reaching a 1984. Gradually, we are realizing that for the sake of happiness and ultimately, the continuation of the human race, free thinking has to be abolished.The vast use of machinery in each and every sector, social distinctions, the rapidly developing technology, the state of politics, the dissatisfaction gained from it, wars everywhere, the burning desire for peace and our never ending search for ?happiness? are signs that ?1984? is inevitable. The solution to avoiding it? There are none. It?s only a matter of time! ...

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- 1984

- George Orwell

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