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The Bible

BEGINS with a new Pharoah looking askance at the numerous Israelites in Egypt, then enslaving them---the Israelites persecuted---Moses born, hidden, found and adopted by Pharoah's daughter---Moses raised and educated in the royal court---Moses commits murder and flees Egypt---Moses marries Zipporah---Zipporah bears Gershom---Moses called by God---Moses returns to Egypt---Moses and Aaron before Pharoah---Plagues on Egypt of blood-frogs-gnats-flies-on livestock-boils-hail-locusts-darkness-death of Egyptian firstborn---First Passover---Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt---Crossing the Red Sea in terror---Egypt defeated, Israelites sing for joy---3 days later, they grumble about water---Water provided---They grumble about food---Manna and quail provided---Israelites disobey directions about manna-gathering---Israelites grumble about water---Water provided---Amalekites attack, defeated by Israelites---Father-in-law Jethro counsels Moses about delegating judging responsibilities---10 Commandments and social laws given to the Israelites by God---Laws and commandments formally accepted by the Israelites, agreement confirmed between themselves and God---Moses on Mt. Sinai 40 days, receives detailed instructions about tabernacle design and construction, priest's garments, priest's consecration, temple paraphernalia, choice of head craftsmen, sabbath-keeping.---Meanwhile the Israelites rebel---Golden calf-idol made and worshipped---Israelites disciplined by God---Moses stays God's hand from decimating the nation---God sends the Israelites to Canaan, but refuses to accompany them---Moses pleads for them, makes peace with God for them, convinces God to go with them---God renews the promises made to the Israelites---Moses organizes work on tabernacle, etc.---Work executed as directed, tabernacle assembled, priests consecrated---ENDS with the glory of God filling the tabernacle.

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- Exodus

- Exodus

- Exodus

- Exodus

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