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The Catcher In The Rye
(J.D. Salinger)

"All morons hate it when you call them a moron"The Catcher in the Rye is the truly miserable tale of angst-ridden teen Holden Caulfield. Holden is a very depressed and intraverted boy of sixteen. The story covers a few significant days in his life, starting just before time when he is expelled from yet another school - on of the first of his experiences with the concentrated mass of 'phonies' who populate every-day society. Holden is intelligent, and as such often gains the respect of some of the more observent adults in his life, however he is a miserable failure at anything academic due to the fact that he has absolutely no interest in his work. He is weak and skinny and justifies this by describing himself as a pacifist.The book follows him through New York in mid-winter, as he wanders the streets alone, thinking about his life, his family and most of all how corrupt and busy the world is. There are painful moments of brilliant observation and the reader can often sympathise completely when Holden's bitter rants begin. It is a very unique and intriguing insight and a facinating perspective of New York in the late 40's/early 50's as well as a self-analytical screed by the narrator.The book has been the subject of a huge amount of controversy, especially in the USA, and was in fact the most banned book in America, 30 years after it was published in 1957. Reasons for this are it's association with outcast teens and social rejects. The book was considered a bad influence. In contrast, many schools now include it in their curriculum.Mark David Chapman, the man arrested for the murderer of musician John Lennon,was apparently carrying the book when he was arrested immediately after the murderand referred to it in his statement to police shortly thereafter. There are various other stories of assasins and serial killers having an unhealthy attraction to the book but I have yet to come across solid evidence to suggest that they are true. The author said that the reason for his refusal to allow a film version of thenovel is, "I would like to see it done, but Holden wouldn't approve". I like this. Hollywood to Caulfield was one of the thickest coagulations of the slime he despised. "What I have to do, I have to Catch everybody if they start to go overthe cliff? I mean if they're running and they don't look where they'regoing I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That'sall I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I knowit's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be. I knowit's crazy." - Haulden Caulfield.

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