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The Celestine Prophecy
(James Redfield and Carol Adrienne)

The Celestine Prophecy
- An Adventurous Spiritual Journey-
Hello to all subscribers, Human beings continue their argument on the existence of god since the day they came to existence. Till today theists idolize God and atheists are rebellious to rituals practiced by humanity in the name of god and religion. Beyond all arguments there exists a mystical energy behind every evolutionary step by humanity right from stone-age to cyber-age. How does this energy facilitate the lives of every individual has been the area of research for the authors James Redfield and Carol Adrienne. They have neatly packaged their observations in the form of an adventurous thriller - "The Celestine Prophecy - An Adventure." The story is all about the hero's pursuit behind exploring the details of an ancient manuscript in Peru by crossing all hurdles. The people he meets and the situations he encounters would give him a message. Using the message he would progress further. Every subsequent event will get him close to meeting his desires. The authors have to be appreciated for describing the story in a style that resonates well with our real lives. This book clearly explains how to make our desires come true by staying connected with the universal energy. It has nine chapters totally. Each chapter gives us different insights on the existence and working of this energy. The secret behind the book turning out to be a best seller is the fact the name of the hero is not revealed till the end. Moreover, the characterization of the hero and the situations he faces throughout the story makes us to accept him as a part of ourselves. This book has a supplementary named "The Celestine Prophecy - An Experimental Guide". This book is meant for those who have trouble in understanding the concepts explained in the novel. It provides constructive exercises on each insight for those who would wish to grow wise by following the spiritual principles in their lives. Reading this book helps us in freeing our minds from all preconceived notions related to the concept. Both books throw light on the truth that this mystical energy propels every activity related to evolution. Be it evolution of life on earth or the evolution of the whole universe. Making our dreams and desires come true is also a form of evolution. When this energy can make changes in theuniverse in terms of evolution, it is sure to make positive changes in our lives provided we are conscious about it. Every situation in our life carries a message. When these messages are interpreted correctly devoid of ego, then the universe guides us to success. This profound thought is the central theme around which the whole story is framed.
© A. Alex Priyadarshan.

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