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As The Moral Was Born

As moralMoralA was born moral is an ideia-intern connected to a feeling of natural expontânea force of universal justice. It will be always subjects the manipulations of ideias-exteriors that had not had origin in ?I? of proper individuo.A moral would have had its origin and evolution, in the acasalamento anti cannibal, between the daily pay-lobishomem and bonoba (*): the animal that before was eatable protein (bonoba) started to be objecto of reproduction and pleasure for the daily pay-lobishomem), therefore under the physical and moral protecção of this last one (origin of the first modality of daily pay human proxenetismo). (*) The daily pay-lobisomem, símio of the Orrorin species;Bonoba, símia of the Toumai species; exitentes have 6 million years before (Miocénio time) distinct Mask and fenómeno irrationality interiorO of behavior exterior enters the utopian imaginative illusion (represented for a mask of distinct feminine beauty), and the chocking paradoxical contrast (of bizarra interior irrationality of the same female given for an image in sexual act of relationship with the man) in one practical declining, blind and radical professional submissa, (plain ponographic), is the second phase of moral evolution of the behavior extinct cannibal; transfigurando what previously it was ?crime? (deglutition of símia meat while protein) in what it passedto be sub animal (necessity of explicit test of freehold, for an auto superior illusion of being predestined of the male, to be winning on the vanquished female).Des-moral the give-moral is the fóbico and complex daily pay-fear, of the daily pay-lobishomem, that when contracting the moral, this can invert its hereditary attitude: of anthropophagous hunter to pass the hunted paper of (bonobo), for primary allegiance to the physiological species of empática origin (afectiva reply to the situation lived for the first one they pre-lobishomem pure, cannibal).It is a ideia and a mixing feeling of disorientation, revolt, tédio and sadness; of trends for the fall in the abyss (empatia vertigo) for the destruction, or for I cry it, (with one to wake up still more tense of what that one that if had before adormecer); e the stubborn certainty incómoda of not having the certainty of some day to come to know the end of everything this; the difficulty measured in keeping a high level of unconcern. Constitue also one of It is a ideia and a mixing feeling of disorientation, revolt, tédio and sadness; of trends for the fall in the abyss (empatia vertigo) for the destruction, or for I cry it, (with one to wake up still more tense of what that one that if had before adormecer); e the stubborn certainty incómoda of not having the certainty of some day to come to know the end of everything this; the difficulty measured in keeping a high level of unconcern. Constitue also one of

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