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Can I Work In Mexico? Teaching Esl
(Doug Bower)

I would like to introduce you to the book entitled, " CAN I WORK IN MEXICO? Teaching ESL."

The first two books by the same author, The Plain Truth About Living in Mexico and Guanajuato Mexico, in which the author collaborated withhis wife Cindi Bower, was published by Universal Publishers, a division of Brown Walker Press in the summers of 2005 and 2006, respectively.

Both projects being relocation guides and dealing with expatriation issues, was characterized by Bruce Drake, Former Vice President for News and Information with National Public Radio (NPR):

But the Bowers' book has that ring of authenticity and is squarely aimed at the (for lack of a better cliché) "average Joe" who is looking for a life that is different and/or better and needs down-to-earth practical advice on how an American can make this transition," and "I found this book to be far superior to the general run of guides on the expatriate life or retiring in Mexico. Some of the others of this genre just lack the ring of authenticity.

This new project, " CAN I WORK IN MEXICO? Teaching ESL ", is for Americans, Europeans, and Canadians who have are looking for the opportunity to Teach English as a second language in Mexico. Traditionally, these individuals have turned to expensive and sometimes bogus schools claiming to offer you TESL credentials if only you sign up for their programs. The reality of Teaching ESL in MEXICO is far different that what these schools portray.

CAN I WORK IN MEXICO? Teaching ESL is a book of more than 36,090 words with an extensive resource and appendix section, which will.

"...answer the questions my wife and I, residents of Guanajuato, Mexico, are asked most often by potential TESL teacher. We are constantly emailed by young college grads, mostly young women, who want to know:· Can I work at something in Mexico?" --a quote from the book.

· Can I teach ESL if I do not have a degree?· Is it easy to breeze into a Mexican town and land an ESL job?· What are the TESL stories others have told and what are the myths?

· I have no experience, education, or credentials-Can I still teach ESL?· How is central Mexico different from the rest of the country?· What is Guanajuato like for potential TESL teachers?

· Which TESL school do I recommend you attend for obtaining credentials?· How do I prepare for and overcome culture shock?· What papers or documents do I need to teach in Mexico?

This book will benefit its readers in that this is one of the top two questions the authoris most often asked about coming to Mexico. Doug Bower fulltime residents of a central Mexican city, Guanajuato, where he and his wifehavelived for four years.
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