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(Debra Ann Naquin)

Sometimes you hide your heart from me
Just so I could never see
exactly how you really feel

Sometimes I wonder are they real
These feelings for you that I think I feel

Sometimes it seems we go round and round
Without making the slightest sound
Yet knowing exactly where our hearts could be found

Sometimes when I look into your eyes
I seem to be searching for trueth and lies
Then suddenly I realize
You will never let mesee what's inside

Sometimes I wonder do youthink of me
Do you wonder where I am or where I'll be

Sometimes do you see me in your dreams
Do you wonder is this what it really seems to be

Sometimes do you wonder as I do
Can this love really be true

Sometimes I say to myself could you dare
let yourself ever care for someone other than yourself

Sometimes I feel so confused
with all the crazy things you do

Sometimes even the things you say
makes me wonder
Is this worth holding for you one more day

Sometimes my heart and my head
colide with things that should have been said

Sometimes I wonder should I hold on
or should I let go
The answer I fear I will never know

For with each passing day my love
continues to grow

Sometimes I pray
that you could one day
finally say
Those words that seem to wrap you with fear
those words I know could bring a tear
To the hardess of hearts,mightest of men
I know I want so much for you to love me
as much as I love you

Sometimes what I think I need to hear
To believe needs not to hear
Sometimes no words need to be said
for someone's heart to be heard

Resumos Relacionados

- Love

- The Ones I Call My Friends

- The Ones I Call My Friends

- Bitter Sweet: A Book Of Love & Dreams

- Holding On

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