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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
(Roald Dahl)

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory is a wonderful childrens book that will stimulate their imagination and maybe even there taste buds.
The adventure starts when the candy making genious, Willy Wonka, decides to send out 5 golden tickets into his mysterious chocolate factory. The
tickets could be anywhere in the world, under the wrapping of all the Wonka bars. Charlie, a polite boyfrom a poor family, wants that ticket more than
anyone in the world, but looses all hope for ever finding a golden ticket because his family can't afford to buy so many chocolate bars. But in this
story parents and children alike will see that miracles can happen when Charlie finds the very last of the five wonderful golden tickets, even as all the
odds are against him.But withfour other children not as well behaved as Charlie, this will prove to be a lesson learned for all the factory visitors with
their golden tickets. An unusual adventure and a suprizing triumph for the famous, chocolate making wonder, Willy Wonka, makes this book a
masterpeice of creativity that children from all walks of life can enjoy, and will want to read again and again. Roald Dahl is the very author that
convinced me through this story that reading definetnly can be FUNdamental.

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- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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